Monday, September 30, 2013

Post #2

The Caroline readings were interesting. I watched the movie before reading either editions and the comic book version was the most weird. I would say because they illustrate the story for us, I was different from how I would have imagined while reading the novel version. And the illustrations are more scary than how the movie would put it. Because the movie was a Disney movie (i think or pixar) it was children friendly so the story was much happier and no scary at all. Also I feel that reading a novel version and the comic version makes you realize the different styles in each author.  Some scenes are need to have more details verses in a picture one the detail isn't needed because its already drawn on. I like that we read more fun novels, reading a whole book can be a lot, and it fun to just read a cartoon every now and then. I am glad that the next few in class readings/discussions have to do with more comic stories. And also because it is a novel verses a movie, the details are dragged out so much. A two or few hundred page book verses a hour or so movie can really make you miss some details that you don't notice in movies but you do while you read about them. It made me notice the different writing styles authors have, depending on the story or how the story is written.

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